Monday, March 05, 2007

Hot Fuzz After Spaced and Shaun of the Dead Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have a lot to live up to. I'm not convinced that they do with this homage to the cop genre set in a small village in Gloucestershire. It is a stellar cast, including Timothy Dalton as the most blatant arch villain you are ever likely to see. It is surprisingly gory as well, resembling a horror film at times and yes it is all done in the name of pastiche but a head being caved in by falling masonry is difficult to watch even for comic effect...!I enjoyed Hot Fuzz but it wasn't as laugh out loud funny as I was expecting and Edgar Wright's direction borders on the manic at times. It makes for an entertaining ride and one that I think you could get more from subsequent watches. I wonder if the initial problem I have is with Pegg and Frost playing slightly different characters, Frost is not as abrasively useless as in previous encounters and I'm not sure the puppy dog is really him.


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