Friday, August 03, 2007

Transformers, George Galloway and Fingerprinting

So I went to see Transformers the other day - how good was that?
Entertainment ramped up to ten with the cheesiest of plot lines, the most impressive effects I've seen in a while and some action that was second to none.

Today I watched some footage from parliament TV of George Galloway being kicked out of the house for his defence of the criticism he had faced from the Select Committee looking into the Mariam appeal where he had allegedly used the charity foundation as a front for siphoning off funds. It appears these allegations were groundless but Mr Galloway took offence to the way the investigation was carried out and his usual bullish response left him in contempt and facing temporary expulsion from the house.
I like Galloway - I'm a supporter of most of what he believes in and I do genuinely think most of the time he is fighting for the right side - I'm not so sure he does it in the right way but there you go. The newspapers made out he was ejected after making remarks about the house being corrupt - stating the double standards that led to this report in the first place considering the Cash for Honours scandal which has plagued the commons in recent months. In fact his more outrageous statements were early on and it was after well over an hour that the speaker eventually felt the need to Name Galloway after repeated frustrations meant he went against the rulings of the house one time too many.

I was actually watching to see the debate (if you can call it that with about 3 MPs present) over fingerprinting in schools. The argument against is a strong one for me - I'm naturally averse to this sort of function creep and the idea of a Big Brother style country is far to close for comfort in my view. However I felt the minister responding to the argument made a good case for these algorithmic readers which don't actually store a fingerprint and I can see how they might have their uses. I still think it should be compulsory to gain the permission of parents before this is done in any school though and I am worried that children will see this sort of thing as the norm.


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