Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Love to Lead debate...

Is Immigration killing National Identity? -- Love to Lead

In the Global society we now live in, I think first the question must be asked - is National Identity even relevant any more. Nation States are after all a construct and one which has constantly changed over history, both in terms of boundaries and also in how they are considered.

I live in London - and there probably isn't a greater melting pot of cultures and backgrounds in all the world. I don't really consider London to be an English City - or even a British one, it is a world city and one which is vibrant, exciting and full of possibilities - not least because of the immigrant population.

I can't help thinking that the real divide between people should be seen as the difference between rich and poor, the haves and have-nots in this world. How many governments really put the best interests of the poor in our society ahead of big corporations or rich individuals? At the high levels of government there is almost always corruption and people looking out for themselves, the needy are blinded by the idea of national pride into following the leader who is screwing them over behind their backs.

Sounding pretty Marxist now aren't I?

Anyway in a nutshell I guess Yes Immigration is killing National Identity - and I kinda see that as a good thing..


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