Green Christmas Fair - Notting Hill
So we went along to this charity event at the 20th Century Theatre on Sunday as an opportunity to a) support a good cause in the Cambodian Trust that the £2 entrance fee went towards, and b) to see whether we could find any ethical Christmas gifts for family or friends.
It was a nice enough little event, in an impressive old building, but there wasn't much on offer that really grabbed our attention. I liked the look of the handmade Cactus lights made of banana leaf thread and old plastic tags, as my other half said though - not sure entirely how eco these were, using presumably fairy lights on the inside.
There were some organic wines, a climate change calendar and eco-knickers as well as Christmas decorations and various other bits and bobs. All very worthy but at the end of the day, overpriced for what you were getting in most cases - which is nearly always the way with this stuff.
Wandering round Notting Hill afterwards though it is a nice area and Portobello road has all sorts of interesting vintage fashion and antique shops even on a Sunday when the market is all packed up.
Sheltering from the rain that swept in later we found ourselves in the Prince Albert, an attractive pub but I wouldn't recommend the roasts, they don't know how to cook roast potatoes apparently...
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